Using PostgreSQL and friends for a street sweeping solver project

James Marca, Activimetrics LLC

March 2020

Street sweeping and trash hauling

  • Pencil and paper routes
  • Low-tech solutions
  • Objectives:
    • minimize miles traveled
    • minimize vehicles
  • The problems are typically NP-Hard

Business opportunity

  • For all cities that run their own street sweeping
  • Initialize maps using OpenStreetMap (OSM)
  • Use Google Operations Research Tools (ORTools)
  • Solve for best routes
  • Profit!

Technical challenges (this talk)

  • Need to get OSM data into a routable network
  • Need to convert usual network into a LineGraph
  • Need to present results

PostgreSQL and friends to the rescue


a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL. It adds support for geographic objects allowing location queries to be run in SQL


extends the PostGIS / PostgreSQL geospatial database to provide geospatial routing functionality

Load OSM data

Extract a city

osmium extract -p port-au-prince-poly.osm \
    -o port-au-prince-latest.osm \

Load the data into pgRouting tables

osm2pgrouting --f data/port-au-prince-latest.osm \
              --conf data/map_config_streets.xml \
              --dbname portauprince \
              --prefix 'portauprince_' \
              --username dbuser \

Clean OSM data

Too many sub-segments

  • OSM is designed for many things
  • some street segments are extraneous
  • Example: intersections for service roads create too many segments

Objective: Combine segments

  • Goal is to link up segments
  • Need to introspect each node
    • Is it an isolated mid-point?
    • Can it be linked to another segment?
    • But want to keep the breaks at intersections


better graphic here showing, source, target, potential interior nodes

  |           *
  |           |
  |           |
  |           |
  |           *


  • WITH statements are great just to organize long SQL
  • But WITH RECURSIVE statements are indispensable for problems like this
  • Allows recursively combining all nodes on a street


  • Each segment has source and target
  • Sum up all sources, all targets
  • Sources, targets seen once are likely interior nodes
  id  |         name          | source | target | one_way | cost_s | rev_cost_s
  433 | Western Avenue        |      1 |    303 |       0 |   1.30 |       1.30
 4725 | Glenoaks Boulevard    |      1 |   4061 |       1 |   2.58 |      -2.58
  299 | Geneva Street         |      2 |    216 |       0 |  26.01 |      26.01
 1735 | Glenoaks Boulevard    |      2 |   1267 |       0 |   8.40 |       8.40

Counts of source, target

sources(source,count) as (
   select source,count(*) as count
   from glendale_ways group by source
targets(target,count) as (
   select target,count(*) as count
   from glendale_ways group by target

Potential interior nodes

Any record with target count and source count of 1

possible_interiors as (
   select w.*,s.count as scount, t.count as tcount
   from glendale_ways w
   join targets t on (
   join sources s on (w.source=s.source)
   where t.count=1 and s.count=1

Example result

 source | target |         name         | scount | tcount
      3 |   1964 | Geneva Street        |      1 |      1
     11 |   5607 | East Colorado Street |      1 |      1
     15 |   3918 | South Central Avenue |      1 |      1
     20 |   4529 | Harvey Drive         |      1 |      1
     31 |   2068 | East Mountain Street |      1 |      1

“True” interiors

Possible interiors whose source and target nodes are also possible interior segments

interiors as (
   select pi.*
   from possible_interiors pi
   join sources s on (
   join targets t on (
   where s.count=1 and t.count=1

Example result

  id  | source | target |         name          | scount | tcount
 2509 |     37 |   1986 | North Jackson Street  |      1 |      1
 2503 |     57 |   1977 | South Pacific Avenue  |      1 |      1
  398 |    118 |    277 | East Mountain Street  |      1 |      1
 2424 |    127 |   1891 | Harvey Drive          |      1 |      1
 5282 |    148 |   4621 | Flintridge Drive      |      1 |      1

But maps are easier to visualize

Sequence starts

  • Interior segments start and end at non-interior segments
  • “Starts” are segments with
    • target is unique (count of 1)
    • source is not unique (node is source for lots of segments)
  • “Ends” are segments with
    • source is unique (count of 1)
    • target is not unique

First identify possible starts

  • A “start” to a chain of isolated segments
  • The “target” field has a count of one.
possible_starts as (
   select w.*, s.count as scount, t.count as tcount
   from glendale_ways w
   join targets t on (
   join sources s on (w.source=s.source)
   where t.count = 1 -- link is only one touching target

Narrow query down

  • Possible starts is too broad
  • For actual starts, source node has count > 1
starts as (
   select ps.*
   from possible_starts ps
   where ps.scount > 1

This is too narrow

  • Some special cases need to be handled
  • All of these were worked out one by one
  • There are more
  • Other cities may have different quirks

A source is a target

  • Some sources are also targets
  • Flow direction is not uniform
   select ps.*
   from possible_starts ps
   join targets t on (
   where ps.scount=1 and  t.count>1
   -- more than one link target == ps.source

Names change, one path

Look at possible interiors to identify a name change

   select ps.*
   from possible_starts ps
   join possible_interiors pi on (
   where != and ps.scount=1 and pi.tcount=1
   -- name change of road


Like name change, but not in possible_interiors set

   select ps.*
   from possible_starts ps
   join possible_starts psi on (ps.source =
                                and !=
   -- singletons

(Data is always messier than one would expect)

The full starts query

starts as (
   select ps.*
   from possible_starts ps
   where ps.scount >1
  union   -- more than one link target == ps.source
   select ps.*
   from possible_starts ps
   join targets t on (
   where ps.scount =1 and  t.count>1
  union   -- name change of road
   select ps.*
   from possible_starts ps
   join possible_interiors pi on (
   where != and ps.scount=1 and pi.tcount=1
  union   -- singletons
   select ps.*
   from possible_starts ps
   join possible_starts psi on ( and !=

Ends query is similar

Nothing new, as starts and ends are basically the same

Now the recursive bit

  • recursive calls are broken into two steps
  • the first is an initializing step
  • the second is the recursive part
  • the recursive part is a union with the initializing step
  • the recursion needs to have a well-defined stop

Initialization step

search_graph(gid, length_m, name, source, target, depth,
             path, segments, cycle, ...) as (

   select g.gid, g.length_m,, g.source,,
   1 as depth,
   array[g.gid] as path,
   st_asewkt(g.the_geom) as segments,
   false as cycle,
   ... -- other stuff
   from ends g
   -- initialize with ends, connect interiors to source

Initialization notes

  • gid is unique identifier for each segment
  • path is an array of gid’s
  • Start the recursion from the end
  • Push new gid’s to the beginning of the array

Why st_asewkt?

st_asewkt(g.the_geom) as segments
  • Not free to convert geom to text representation
  • But union of geoms is pickier
  • By combining geoms as text, can preserve their type of LineString

Recursive part

  union all
   select g.gid, g.length_m + sg.length_m,, g.source,,
   sg.depth+1 as depth,
   g.gid || sg.path as path,
   st_asewkt( st_makeline( g.the_geom, sg.segments )),
   g.gid = ANY(sg.path) as cycle,
   ... -- other stuff
   from interiors g -- recurse on interiors
   join search_graph sg on
     ( -- interior target -> chain source
      and but same street name too please
   where sg.depth < 100 and not sg.cycle -- stop guards


  • Start segment grown at ends
  • Grow segments from the interiors
  • Creates a list of increasingly long segments

PostGIS notes

st_asewkt( st_makeline( g.the_geom, sg.segments ))
  • st_makeline() used to avoid array type error
  • Makes a new line for each segment
  • Prepends new line bit to growing line
  • Whole result is dumped as well known text for next recursive loop

Alternate version

  ARRAY[g.the_geom] as segments

  array_prepend(g.the_geom, sg.segments)
  • Cast fixes recursive error re: mismatched array types
  • EXPLAIN ANALYZE says they’re the same speed:
    • st_asewkt 117s vs ARRAY 119s

Example results

select gid,name,source,target,depth
from search_graph order by depth desc,name;
 gid  |         name          | source | target | depth
 6344 | North Louise Street   |   5686 |    234 |    19
 6179 | North Louise Street   |   5685 |    234 |    18
 5311 | Emerald Isle Drive    |   4635 |    149 |    17
 6326 | North Louise Street   |   5520 |    234 |    17
 5309 | Emerald Isle Drive    |   4650 |    149 |    16
 5280 | Flintridge Drive      |   4620 |    147 |    16
 6327 | North Louise Street   |   5667 |    234 |    16
 5310 | Emerald Isle Drive    |   4648 |    149 |    15

Need to pick the longest

  • The longest segment has depth of 19
  • Need to choose that one, not the shorter ones
  • Next part of WITH RECURSIVE statement picks off longest segments

Longest groups

gid_paths as (select unnest(sg.path) as node,depth
   from search_graph sg ),
gid_max_depth as (
   select node,max(depth) as depth
   from gid_paths group by node ),

distinct_paths as (
  select distinct path
  from search_graph sg
  join gid_max_depth gm
       on (gm.depth=sg.depth and
           gm.node in (select unnest(sg.path)))

Make one record

  • In one step:
    • Pick longest sequence using distinct_paths
    • Merge starts to add starting node
    • Convert text geom back to binary geom

Merged segments

segments as (
   select, g.source,, c.depth+1 as depth,
   g.gid || c.path as path,
    0.0000001) as the_geom,  … other_columns …
   from search_graph c
   join distinct_paths dp on (c.path=dp.path)
   join starts g -- add start nodes to chain
        on ( == source
            and -- same name please

Book-keeping, and finish up

  • The remaining SQL just tidies up
  • Make a new table
    • Start with the old table
    • Drop the components of merged segments
    • Add the new, longer merged segments
    grouped as (
     select * from keep_ways
     select * from new_ways
    insert into new_glendale_ways ( … )
    selectfrom grouped;

Final output of segment-joining work

Some notes

  • Not all segments are fixed properly
  • Reduced number of segments by 40%
    • for Glendale, California
    • went from 7653 links to 4597 links
  • Huge impact on problem size
  • Absolutely worth the effort to figure this out

Converting streets to curbs

One-way and two-way streets

  • OSM data is pretty good about identifying one-way streets
  • pgRouting can analyze OSM data and establish forward and backward traversal costs
  • But using two-way streets is buggy

Convert all streets to curbs

  • Curbs are all one-way
  • On two-way streets, curb movements are in opposite directions
  • On one-way streets, curb movements are in same direction
  • Easier to reason about moving from curb to curb

big sql statement I’m going to talk about

drop sequence if exists curbgraph_v2_serial;
create sequence curbgraph_v2_serial;

drop table if exists curbs_v2_graph cascade;

tform as (
    select id, st_transform(the_geom,32611) as geom,reverse_cost
    from new_glendale_ways
rhs as (
    select ST_Reverse(ST_Transform (
                -2) -- 2 meters offset, 6 feet-ish, reverse of orig direction
                ,4326)) as geom, --  back to source geometry, (need reverse)
    from tform),
lhs_twoway as (
    select ST_Reverse(ST_Transform (
                2) -- 2 meters offset, 6 feet-ish, same sense
                ,4326)) as geom, --  back to source geometry, (need reverse because lhs)
    from tform
    where reverse_cost > 0),
lhs_oneway as (
    select ST_Transform (
                2) -- 2 meters offset, 6 feet-ish, same sense
                ,4326) as geom, --  back to source geometry, no reverse for one-way streets
    from tform
    where reverse_cost < 0),
lhs as (
    select * from lhs_twoway
    select * from lhs_oneway
lhscurbs as (select
 nextval('curbgraph_v2_serial') as curbid,
 'lhs' as curbside,,
 case when a.one_way=1 then  a.source
 end  as source,
 case when a.one_way=1 then
      else a.source
 end  as target,
 case when a.one_way=1 then  a.cost
      else a.reverse_cost
 end  as cost,
 -1 as reverse_cost,
 case when a.one_way=1 then  a.cost_s
      else a.reverse_cost_s
 end  as cost_s,
 -1 as reverse_cost_s,
 cg.geom as curb_geom
 from new_glendale_ways a
 left outer join lhs cg on (
 where one_way=1 or reverse_cost>0
rhscurbs as (select
 nextval('curbgraph_v2_serial') as curbid,
 'rhs' as curbside,,
 -1 as reverse_cost,
 -1 as reverse_cost_s,
 cg.geom as curb_geom
 from new_glendale_ways a
 left outer join rhs cg on (,
curbs as (
 select * from rhscurbs
 select * from lhscurbs)
select * into curbs_v2_graph from curbs;

Making a line graph

What is a line graph

  • The usual navigation map:
    • intersections as nodes
    • streets as links between nodes
  • Edge covering needs to reach every street
  • Convert original graph to line graph
    • streets are nodes
    • links represent legal movements between streets

The curbs

Use pgRouting to make linegraph

  • With curb graph in hand, this is a very easy task
drop table if exists curbs_v2_linegraph;
SELECT * into curbs_v2_linegraph FROM pgr_lineGraph(
    'SELECT curbid as id, source, target, cost_s as cost, reverse_cost_s as reverse_cost FROM curbs_v2_graph'

Zooming in on an area

All to all distance matrix

The need for distances

  • Solver must reach each node (street)
  • To do that efficiently, it must know distance between streets
  • Goal of solver is to minimize overall travel distance
  • Therefore must have all to all travel matrix (or close to it)

Not hard, just irritating

  • pgRouting has an excellent function pgr_dijkstraCostMatrix()
  • creates a matrix of distances
  • but 9,193 nodes means table with 84,511,249 entries
  • I run out of RAM

Ugly hacks

  • step through the curb table 3,000 at a time
  • grab random bunches of under-represented origins
  • rinse and repeat

First, insert all immediate neighbors

truncate new_curbs_linegraph_matrix;
with onesteps as (
  select source as start_vid,
      target as end_vid,
      target_length_m as agg_cost
  from new_curbs_v2_linegraph a
insert into new_curbs_linegraph_matrix
   select * from onesteps
   on conflict do nothing;
-- INSERT 0 28067

Next, function to step through data methodically


create or replace function fleshout_2000_curb_linegraph_matrix(starting int)
returns integer as
   i text;
   subsel text := 'SELECT id, source, target, target_length_m as cost, reverse_cost FROM new_curbs_v2_linegraph';
   insert_sql text := '';
   check_sql text := '';
   get_one_sql text := '';
   test_sql text := '';
   startid int := 0;
   insert_sql := '
   id_block (sid) as (
      select distinct source
      from new_curbs_v2_linegraph nl
      where source > $1
      order by source
      limit 3000
    nextbatch as (
     select * FROM pgr_dijkstraCostMatrix('
   || quote_literal(subsel)
      (select array_agg(sid) from id_block)))
   insert into new_curbs_linegraph_matrix
   select * from nextbatch
   on conflict do nothing';
    -- RAISE NOTICE '%', insert_sql;
    RAISE NOTICE 'calling with %', insert_sql;
    FOR startid IN starting..7000 by 1000 LOOP
        RAISE NOTICE 'populate db starting with %', startid;
        EXECUTE  insert_sql using startid;
    return  count(*) from new_curbs_linegraph_matrix;
  LANGUAGE plpgsql;

What it does

  • Loops over data
FOR startid IN starting..7000 by 1000 LOOP
    RAISE NOTICE 'populate db starting with %', startid;
    EXECUTE  insert_sql using startid;
  • Can pass in starting point as function parameter
  • Steps forward 1000 each iteration

SQL query bits

  • Query will find 3,000 by 3,000 distance matrix
  • (because 3000 is what works on my laptop)
select distinct source
from new_curbs_v2_linegraph nl
where source > $1
order by source
limit 3000

Another similar function with random

 low_block (sid) as (
    select source
    from new_curbs_v2_linegraph nl
    where source <3300
    order by random()
    limit 1000
 mid_block (sid) as (
    select source
    from new_curbs_v2_linegraph nl
    where source >= 3300 and source <= 6600
    order by random()
    limit 1000
 hi_block (sid) as (
    select source
    from new_curbs_v2_linegraph nl
    where source > 6600
    order by random()
    limit 1000
 id_block (sid) as (
    select sid from low_block
    select sid from mid_block
    select sid from hi_block

Or focus on the under-represented ones

 sid_count (sid,cnt) as (
   select start_vid, count(*)
   from new_curbs_linegraph_matrix
   group by start_vid
   order by count
 lo_block (sid) as (
   select sid from sid_count
   limit 500
 hi_block (sid) as (
   select sid
   from sid_count
   where cnt > 9000
   order by random()
   limit 2500
 id_block (sid) as (
   select sid from lo_block
   select sid from hi_block

Or get smart about “underrepresented”

 sid_count (sid,cnt) as (
   select start_vid, count(*)
   from new_curbs_linegraph_matrix
   group by start_vid
   order by count
 pctl (hicount) as (
   SELECT percentile_cont(0.07) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY cnt) FROM sid_count
 lo_block (sid) as (
   select sid from sid_count
   limit 500
 hi_block (sid) as (
   select sid
   from sid_count
   cross join pctl
   where cnt > hicount
   order by random()
   limit 2500
 id_block (sid) as (
   select sid from lo_block
   select sid from hi_block

The table is close enough

  • Each Origin should have 9123 destinations
with counts as (
   select start_vid,count(*) as cnt
   from new_curbs_linegraph_matrix group by start_vid)
select count(*),floor(cnt) from counts group by floor(cnt);
 count | floor
   201 |  9190
  2374 |  9191
  6607 |  9192
    11 |  9193
(4 rows)

Solve the Street Sweeping Problem

OR Tools to the rescue

  • OR Tools is great
  • But it isn’t PostgreSQL related
  • So I’ll talk about it some other time

Some benchmarks

  • My formulation takes about 20 minutes to generate an initial solution
  • Can run for hours
  • Difficult to get the “shape” of a solution right
  • Difficult to visualize the output

Save the generated paths

  • After solver finishes, generate a list of nodes “swept”
  • For deadhead nodes, use pgRouting to find intermediate nodes
    • Deadhead meaning drive without sweeping over several streets to get to a street that needs sweeping
  • Gather the list of all nodes each vehicle visits (sweep plus non-sweep)

Python code to save list of nodes to DB

def sequence_to_table(self,vsequence,table_name):
    sequence = 0
    insert_query_string = """insert into {} (veh,sweep,linkid,geom)
    select %s,%s,%s,c.curb_geom as the_geom
    from curbs_v2_graph c
    where c.curbid =%s"""
    insert_query = sql.SQL(insert_query_string).format(sql.Identifier(table_name))
    with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
            sql.SQL("drop table if exists {}").format(sql.Identifier(table_name)))

            sql.SQL("CREATE TABLE {} (id serial, linkid integer, veh integer, sweep boolean default TRUE, geom geometry(LINESTRING,4326) )").format(sql.Identifier(table_name)))

        for (veh,sequence) in vsequence.items():
            for row in sequence:
                # basic idea.  Save a table.  Each row is
                # shape,sequence number
                sweep = row[1]
                linkid = row[0]


  • Do not use Python string formatting to insert strings and variables into your generated SQL
  • Doing so is strongly discouraged by psycopg
  • Instead use sql.SQL, and pass parameters to execute
sql.SQL("drop table {}").format(sql.Identifier(table_name)))

Visualizing the output

QGIS plus PostGIS tables

  • The real reason I included geometry in output table
  • QGIS can directly display PostGIS geometry tables

Nice maps, but …

  • The maps are difficult to view
  • Routes are on top of each other
  • No sense of the movement of the vehicle
  • Try animating!
  • Helpful blog posts all over (look up geogiffery) (

Use QGIS Atlas functionality

  • Image stack style animation
  • Make a print view
  • Control the print view with an “atlas”
  • Dump thousands of images to a directory
  • Use ffmpeg

Nausea-inducing results

Animation link:

Use PostGIS to make POV layer

  • Break up the segments into pieces (currently using 25 meters)
  • POV table computes spatial centroid over 2 preceding, 10 following segments
  • POV table is then used as atlas layer

Tip from the PostGIS docs

  • Use ST_LineSubstring to break line into N parts
  • Each part is from i to i+1, i = [0 .. N-1]
  • Use generate_series to generate the i values

PostGIS doc code:

SELECT field1, field2,
       ST_LineSubstring(the_geom, 100.00*n/len,
    WHEN 100.00*(n+1) < len THEN 100.00*(n+1)/len
    ELSE 1
  END) AS the_geom
  (SELECT sometable.field1, sometable.field2,
  ST_LineMerge(sometable.the_geom) AS the_geom,
  ST_Length(sometable.the_geom) As len
  FROM sometable ) AS t
CROSS JOIN generate_series(0,10000) AS n
WHERE n*100.00/len < 1;

My modifications

  • Construct SQL with WITH statements
  • Compute required length of series based on longest road / 25 meters

PostGIS trick

  • To get meters, transform geometry
  • geom starts in projection 4326, which is in degrees
  • Using st_length() on degrees is useless
  • By transforming to projection 32611, the st_length() call gives meters

Meters trick → 326??

select srid,proj4text
 from spatial_ref_sys where srid between 32600 and 32661
 order by srid;
 srid  |    proj4text
 32601 | +proj=utm +zone=1 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
 32602 | +proj=utm +zone=2 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
 32603 | +proj=utm +zone=3 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
 32604 | +proj=utm +zone=4 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
 32605 | +proj=utm +zone=5 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs

Find the longest segment

 lengthshare as (
   select id,linkid,veh,sweep,geom,
          st_length(st_transform(geom,32611)) as len
   from solver_output
   order by id
 maxlen as (
   select max(len) as len  from lengthshare

Determine “maxiter”

maxiter as (
   select (ceil(len/25.00)+1)::int as maxiter
   from maxlen

Divide the longest length by 25, and round

Using maxiter, generate series

series as (
   select maxiter, generate_series(1,maxiter) - 1 as n
   from maxiter

More flexible than the example code to determine maximum of series from data, rather than hard coding some big number.

Snip each line into pieces

snipped as (
   select id, id+(n/maxiter::numeric) as frame,
            when 25.00*(n+1) < len then 25.00*(n+1)/len
            else 1
          end) as geom
   from lengthshare l
   cross join series s
   where s.n*25.00/len < 1
   order by frame )

Finally, save to new table

insert into
  solver_output_snipped (id,frame,linkid,veh,sweep,geom)
  select id,frame,linkid,veh,sweep,geom from snipped;

Not perfect, of course

                 case when 25.00*(n+1) < len then 25.00*(n+1)/len
                 else 1 end) as geom
  • When the line doesn’t divide into 25 meters exactly, the last segment will be shorter
  • Will result in some jitter at end of roads

Small road section animation results

Animation link:

Bonus: Arrow heads!

  • Previous animation just showed current street
  • With snipped roads, can show progress along street (every 25m)
  • Before it looked stupid (arrow jumping from street to street)
  • Now arrow appears to move along streets
  • Looks more like a real animation

Still room for improvement

  • The frame jumps to keep vehicle (arrow) in center of frame
  • Okay when vehicle is moving straight
  • Ugly and jarring when vehicle changes direction

Key insight: need a POV layer

  • Can model the point of view (POV) as its own layer
  • Keep the layer hidden
  • “Camera” movement should smoothly follow vehicle movement
  • The POV for each frame should be a spatial average

Make the POV table

  idgeom (uid,geom) as (
    select uid,
      over (order by uid
            rows between 2 preceding
                    and 10 following)
    from curbtable_globalspan_snipped  ),
  centroids as (
    select uid,st_centroid(geom) as geom
    from idgeom   )
insert into pov (uid,geom)
select uid as uid,geom from centroids;

Spatial aggregate with window function

select uid,
  over (order by uid
        rows between 2 preceding and 10 following)
from curbtable_globalspan_snipped
  • st_collect will group together geometries
  • The window: 2 segments before — 10 segments after
  • Take the centroid of the geometry collection

The result

  • A table of points
  • Can be used as the point-of-view
  • Centers the atlas window where needed

Leading average, small window: [-2, 10]

Bigger window: [-40, 50]

Even bigger window: [-90, 100]

Smoother animation

Animation link

Smoother animation with [-40, 50] window

Animation link


Thank you